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30 minutes treatment equals 20,000 muscle contractions. 16% Average increase in muscle mass and 19% Average fat reduction.
Body contouring and muscle building. Non-invasive, Non-radiating, Non-thermal, Body sculpt, No downtime, No pain, Operator independent and no consumables.
EM-Contouring with HIFEM(High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology in-duces supramaximal muscle con-tractions not achievable by voluntary action.
When exposed to supramaximal contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition.
The muscle responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure, i.e., the growth of myofibrils(muscle hypertrophy) and creation of new protein strands and muscle fibers(muscle hyperplasia).This process results in increased muscle density and volume.
Voluntary contractions may increase the demand for
energy from fat cells. Released epinephrine signals the fat cells to initiate lipolysis. The fat stored in the form of tri- glycerides is deco posed into free fatty acids(FFAs) and glycerol which are used as energy sources.
Intensive supramaximal contractions enhance release of epinephrine which triggers a cascade effect leading to supramaximal lipolysis in fat cells. Because the stimulation is so rapid and intensive, The lipolytic response is excessive and FFAs start over accumulating in adipocytes.
The FFA overflow causes cell dysfunction and induction of apoptosis– programmed cell death. Dead cells collapse and are naturally flushed away.
A course consists of 4 treatments, each only takes 30 minutes. Done twice a
week at least 2 weeks in a row for best results.
Fat thickness decrease
Abdominal muscle thickness increase
The Diastasis rectus
abdominis(DRA) improves
The number of muscle
bundles increases
circumference lost
Female | Age 42
BIM 24.4kg/M2(after2 months)
Weight -4.4kg (-2.9%)
Fat thickness -32.9%
Muscle thickness+19.4%
D R A -15.9% waistcircumference-5.7cm
Warm-up Pulse
A comfortable frequency to initiate
muscular contractions.
Strong Pusle
A high-intensive
frequency to force
muscular contractions.
Relax Pulse
An alleviation frequency to loosen
up muscle
Latest generation technology
High-tech non water cooling
High quality insulated material
One size suitable for multiple areas
Auto-adjustment energy range when changing frequency
Smart control of total Tesla per session
High Resolution Interface
Free Sliding operation
45 ° adjustable for best viewing
Simple 1 - For people who seldom exercise with less muscle and more fat
Simple 2 - For people who do regular exercise with more muscle and less fat
Specialty 1 - For professional practitioners to customize protocol A
Specialty 2 - For professional practitioners to customize protocol B
Screen - 15” Sliding Screen
Pulse Frequency - 1-150Hz
Energy Range - 0 -100%
Pulse Width - 285us
Magnetic Intensity - 0.4-2.5T
Treatment Time - Up to 60 mins
Net Weight - 31kgs
Jolene - 062 624 4010
Monday to Friday 08:30 to 17:00